The first ever EV charger
monetizable and bookable

As a WattPark owner, start earning money.
Become an actor of the ecologic transition.

Manage and supervise in your Client Area

Manage your charging station settings and follow all bookings made through the WatPark app directly on your dashboard.

Go Public and start renting out !

Switch your charging station in public mode to make it accessible to the WattPark Community. Any EV user will be allowed to book a charge on your WattPark station at your conditions !

Define the price and the availability

Define the cost per hour and the availability for each day of the week.

Your parking lot - your rules

You can offer a free charge to anyone or only to authorized users (friends, family, ...). This also applied for companies (free charge for employees or visitors)

Manages your bookings and cash out !

You can access in real-time all bookings placed on your charging station. After each reservation completed, you receive the total amount of the transaction (minus a WattPark standard fee) directly on your eWallet.

Can WattPark be used for a private usage ?

In one clic, your station becomes private therefore unvisibile to the rest of the WattPark community.